Palau International Ship Registry (PISR) has completed a survey (IMO 2020 Sulphur Regulation | Your Opinion Matters) and the results show more than 44% of ship owners, operators and managers saying they will definitely comply with the forthcoming IMO regulations.
The PISR survey was conducted over a six month period starting in April 2019 and asked ship owners, managers and operators for their views on the cap: how they intended to comply; if they believed the implementation date would change; how many vessels they owned and operated and how they felt the IMO cap would affect their businesses.
Panos Kirnidis, CEO of PISR, sees the survey results as very encouraging in terms of compliance.
“Our PISR survey has shown that the industry takes these issues seriously. Despite the views in much of the maritime media about the implications for individuals it was pleasing to note that more than a third of respondents see the cap having a positive effect on their operations. As one of the world’s leading ship registries, we understand our support will be even more important to ship owners in the run up to the cap and beyond.
“We are very encouraged with many of the results from the survey; many of the respondents believe it as a positive step with the majority of responses suggesting it probably would not have much of an effect on their business. This seems surprising in terms of the financial implications and the thoughts in the media over the past 12 months about how expensive many shipowners feel the industry has become, so we see this as an indication of the committed approach they have towards compliance.”
The full results of the PISR survey are now available from the Palau International Ship Registry website:
Press Release
Source: Maritime Shipping News