Previously known as the Seafarer’s Handbook for Australian Waters, edition five contains a new chapter on interpreting the accuracy of depth information in Electronic Navigational Charts.
The handbook is an official nautical publication, which should be carried on all international and domestic commercial vessels.
It contains important instructions to aid planning and navigation in Australian waters, and information on marine protected areas, pilot arrangements plus shipping routes and incident reporting in the Torres Strait and Great Barrier Reef shipping routes.
The handbook also covers Ship Reporting Systems, weather warnings, VHF channels, maritime security, Customs, biosecurity and key contacts for relevant government agencies.
A paper copy of the Mariner’s Handbook for Australian Waters can be purchased from chart distribution agents or seafarers can download a free digital PDF version.
The digital version is updated fortnightly and users are expected to use the latest version that includes all relevant Notices to Mariners.
Source: Maritime Shipping News