On Thursday, Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury, the State Minister for Shipping, handed over the cheque of Tk4.60 crore to Abdur Razzaque, the father of Hadisur during a program conducted at the BSC office. On 25 May, the BSC declared that it would be giving US$500,000 as compensation to the Hadisur’s family. Hasidur was the third engineer and was killed in a missile strike on a ship at Ukraine’s Olvia port.
Bangladesh Merchant Marine Officers’ Association (BMMOA), the apex body of seafarers, offered Tk 10.27 lakh as an aid to Hadisur’s family.
During the cheque-handing-over program, the association has reportedly claimed that BSC’s negligence caused the ‘Banglar Samriddhi’ crew member Hadisur to lose his life when operating the vessel.
Banglar Samriddhi is a vessel that belongs to the state-owned BSC. It got stuck at Port Olvia in Ukraine with 29 crew members when Russia launched an invasion in Ukraine, in February.
On 2 March, Hadisur Rahman had been killed when a war missile hit the vessel. On 5 March, the remaining 28 sailors left the shelter house that was adjacent to the port and sailed toward Moldova. The next day, they attempted to cross the border and succeeded in reaching Romania.
On 9 March, the 28 sailors were able to return from Istanbul to Dhaka on a Turkish Airlines flight. Hadisur Rahman’s body, however, reached Dhaka on 14 March. Hadisur was laid to rest at the family’s graveyard in Betagi on 15 March.
Reference: bdnews24.com
Family Of Bangladesh Seafarer Killed In Ukraine-Russia War Receive $500,000 Compensation appeared first on Marine Insight – The Maritime Industry Guide
Source: Maritime Shipping News